Monday, February 1, 2010

Spring Fever

I am having a major case of spring fever. I think it's because the last two days have been sunny and in the thirties rather than gray and in the teens like it has been for the last two weeks. As I looked out the window at the sunny day today, I felt like we should be going to the park or zoo or having a grill out with friends. And while it neared 40 and we did get outside, it wasn't quite spring like. I'm longing for the return of flip flops and flowers and the happy moods that come from waking up to birds chirping and a sunny day of outdoor activity awaiting. Ahh, sounds so wonderful. But still so far away.

I do like living in a climate with 4 seasons. I even enjoy the cold and dark nights of winter at's kind of cozy and restful, having to be inside early. But I've enjoyed enough of those nights and I'm ready to not have to bundle up every time we go outside. Getting Mr. Mister in the car seat with his big winter coat is on my list of least favorite winter activities.

I don't mean to complain. I am just ready for the feelings of newness and life that come with the arrival of warm weather and the blooming of spring. My daffodils have been poking through the ground since November. I have no idea what threw them so far off their schedule this year but they have endured the freezing temperatures of winter. That little bit of green keeps me hopeful that there's more color and new life just around the corner.


Megan said...

Oh man I feel ya! It's like an ache sometimes! The other day I got really hot and thought, 'I haven't felt this hot in a long time!' Seeing as how it's always cooler in our house and freezing outside!

hawleykj said...

I'm excited for the time when I don't have to drag a stroller out with us for the purpose of carrying our coats/hats/gloves. All that winter garb x 4 people = a HUGE pile of things to keep track of. Oh to be able to say, "let's go" and walk out the door.