Monday, February 15, 2010

Making Connections

Every season with Mr. Mister is different and so much fun. I especially like this time where his cognitive growth is happening so clearly and rapidly. It's fun to watch his little mind begin to connect things in the world around him. Even his errors reveal such an intentional thought process behind them. Here are two of my favorite things he has said lately...
  • I had some cooked chicken on a cutting board, ready to shred it to make chicken tacos and he asked me, "What is that?" I answered, "That's chicken for shredding." He thought for a minute and said, "In daddy's office?" That's where we shred paper, so he thought we should shred our chicken there too!
  • We saw a see saw that he really wanted to go play on, but it was covered in snow. I told him we could come back and play on it when the snow melts. He said, "Can we put some salt on it?" Because he knows that Daddy uses salt to melt the ice on our walkway. I was pretty impressed that he thought of that!
Speaking of learning about the world, we also had an impromptu fire safety lesson last night. We accidentally set off the smoke alarm near the kitchen, which startled him a little bit. So we talked about what to do if he ever heard that noise. He even practiced yelling for Mommy and Daddy and we explained how important it is that we get outside. He took it all in pretty well but I think he's still a little scared of the loud noise. Hopefully, we won't ever have to deal with it!

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