Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When They Grow Up

Today as the boys ate a snack, I asked them "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  I like to ask that question often because their answers are always changing.  I thought it would be fun to write down all of their answers throughout the years to look back on once they are older.  Today's conversation was especially funny.

Mr. Mister decided that he no longer wants to be a warrior, but an animal rescuer (like Diego) instead.  Then Mr. Newton said something that sounded like it could be pilot or pirate.  After some clarifying questions, I figured out it was a pirate.  Mr. Mister thought that sounded fun, too, so after some thought he said:

I think that on Tuesdays I'll be an animal rescuer, on Thursdays I'll be a good pirate who fights the bad pirates and on Saturdays I'll be a warrior.

Sounds like a plan :)

11 Months

To my Little Miss,
You are almost one! I visited a newborn last week and couldn't believe that's how tiny you were not that long ago.  Now you are like a little girl.

You started walking behind your pushing/walker toy and do it so proudly with a big smile.
You also learned to climb all the way up the stairs all by yourself.
You talk a lot with cute baby sounds that sound like you're having a real conversation.
You also love to dance and give great hugs and kisses!

I know I say this every month, you really love your brothers and find such great joy in being with them.  On this day, you were sitting in Mr. Mister's lap and when I tried to take you, you cried.  When I put you back, you smiled and rested contentedly in his lap.  You both loved sitting together!

You discovered the sandbox (and only ate a little sand) and you went for your first bike ride.  You LOVED it, happily kicking your feet the whole way.

You had your first handful of dirt (and liked it!).
I like that you can wear a tutu and eat dirt at the same time.

Lastly, I have to note that you earned a new nickname recently - The Destroyer.
You delight in knocking down anything your brothers build and enjoy standing by the toy bins, throwing everything to the floor.
You may be sweet, but you are tough.
That's good - you have to be tough to keep up around here!

I love you, sweet girl!  I love your smile and voice and cuddles and laughter and joy. 
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Birthday Sun and Birthday Fun!

I hope you all are enjoying the sunny day God gave me for my birthday today!
 I'm happy to share it with you!

I've always soaked up every minute of my birthday (and sometimes the day before and after). But birthdays look a little different now with three kids than they once did. For example, I got a 6am wake up call this morning with surround sound coughing from two sick kiddos who didn't want to go back to sleep.

So I made use of the early morning and headed to Starbucks, as has been my birthday tradition since having kids.  Every year I escape with a free birthday latte, some good music and my Bible and journal and spend time reflecting on the past year and praying for the year to come.  It is always such sweet time with the Lord and this morning was no exception.

I am thankful for my servant husband who knows how much I love my birthday and does anything possible to make it a special day for me.  Like feeding the kids breakfast so I could slip out to Starbucks.  And feeding them lunch so I could go for a run on a gorgeous sunny day.  Time by myself is the best gift at this stage of life.  And what a gift to have my husband working at home so I can get those windows of time to get away.  Otherwise, I might have to try this trick I learned from the birthday card my parents gave me this year:

The inside says, "Do whatever it takes to get some peace and quiet on your birthday."
Haha. I love it.  That is a perfect picture of my life.  
And I may just have to try this out someday!

Also entertaining today was a booklet I got from my mother and father-in-law that gave an overview of the year I was born.  Things like music and movies and gas prices.  In addition to making me feel old ($.53 bread!) it was really interesting and sometimes humorous, like these ads that ran in magazines that year.
If these don't say 80's, I don't know what does!!

And my personal favorite:

Anyway, sick kids and antiquated ads aside, I am thankful for another year of life!
Thankful for the truth of Psalm 139 (my favorite Scripture to remember on my birthday).
And praying Psalm 51:6 for this year...
truth in the inner parts and wisdom in the inmost place.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello, New Year

Happy 2013!  The days just keep going by and all of a sudden it is a new year.  Mr. Mister was sad when we explained that 2012 was over.  I reminded him that when one thing ends, something else begins with opportunity for new adventures and experiences.  That's a lesson I have had to learn (and have to remind myself still), as I vividly remember feeling that same sadness at the end of each year when I was younger.  

This year, I have mixed emotions about leaving behind 2012.  There were some amazing highlights - the birth of our sweet daughter in February obviously tops the list.  Moving to a new house in August with more space and a big yard has also been an incredible gift.  We had some fun vacations and great times with family.  And I am thankful to end the year with everyone healthy.  

We've had some bumps in the road as well.  The process of selling our house was difficult enough to make me never want to move again.  Mr. Newton had a year long battle with molluscum, which included lots of painful blisters while trying to treat it.  I seriously praise Jesus that it is gone.  We spent a weekend at Children's hospital in July with Miss S for croup and visited the ER again this fall for Mr. Newton's dislocated elbow.  We also lost a beloved grandmother and two other relatives (a little more distant) on my husband's side of the family.  

But in all of that, I am thankful for another year of life and the blessings of family and community.  And so thankful that even as years change and life changes and circumstances change, that the Lord remains.  He never changes.  He is always good and always faithful.  And every good and perfect gift comes from Him.

The other night, our family made a list of ten major happenings, both good and bad, from this past year.  One of them was God's provision and faithfulness. It's overwhelming, really, when I look back and see how faithful He has been in every mountaintop and valley that we have experienced.   So as we say goodbye to 2012 and begin the new adventures and experiences of 2013, I trust in the One who was and is and is to come!