Friday, March 23, 2012

Never a Dull Moment

I added that tag line to my blog title because I feel like I've been saying that all the time lately.  Because it's true.  Between a newborn and two active boys there is rarely even a quiet moment until late at night when I finally crash.

Overall, the transition to three kids has been relatively smooth - it hasn't been a huge life change.  But it is hard.  Really hard sometimes. Especially during the days when I am by myself.  Taking care of Miss S and keeping up with the boys at the same time is always challenging.  Today Mr. Mister told me that having a new baby is hard because when we're in the middle of something fun she always wakes up and then I have to go get her.  Sometimes I let her cry a little to finish up with him so he knows he's a priority too.  But it's definitely a balancing act and something I am learning every day.

There is always some point during the day that I literally think to myself that I cannot do this.  It's too hard or I feel too stretched and I just want someone to come rescue me!  I have been really challenged to depend on Jesus in those moments and throughout the day to just make it through.  One day at a time is the advice my mom always gave me.  That is what I always think of when I am tempted to be overwhelmed.

The other day I attempted the grocery store by myself with all three.  Going to the store with just the two boys was always a challenge so I was pretty much expecting chaos.  So before we went in Mr. Mister and I asked Jesus to help us.  And I am not exaggerating when I say that it was a miracle - no tantrums, tears, arguing, disobeying, whining or frustration.  Just one baby who stayed asleep and two boys who listened and held hands and did what I asked them to do.  Seriously amazing.    My buddy Jerry who is the greeter was proud of us as we left and no one was in tears!

This week the boys have had a diarrhea bug, which is no fun.  Praying that Miss S stays healthy!

(taken before the boys were sick, don't worry)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Change the World - Pray for your Sons!

Join me in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons challenge coming up in May on the MOB Society website.  Read about it here!  

I'm excited to commit 21 days to praying for my boys.  Not only for what it will do in their lives but what God will do in my own heart.   I hope that if you have boys, you'll join me!

Monday, March 19, 2012


We've seen little attempts at smiling over the past week but today we saw the first big smiles. It makes me so happy!
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Following in her brother's footsteps....

At her one month checkup today, our little girl proved she could hang with the big boys.  She carried on the big baby genes with a 98th percentile head measurement, 97th percentile weight, and 75th percentile length.  As the nurse told her, "That is quite the noggin."  I love chubby cheeks, double chins, and baby rolls!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Month

It is hard to believe our little girl is 1 month today! 
It feels like I should write all the new things she is doing and has learned but birth to one month isn't the most eventful time as far as outward development is concerned. 
So here's the list..
She stays awake a little longer during the day, but not much
She sleeps a little longer at night, but not much
Her hair is a little thinner
Her cheeks are a little chubbier
She just outgrew newborn size clothes and diapers
She is still really cute and sweet!!
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Adoring Brothers

The boys LOVE their new little sister.  They always want to hold her and give her kisses.  Mr. Newton gets very concerned when she is crying and says, "Baby cry" over and over.  We even use holding her as a reward for getting ready for bed quickly.  They'll do anything to get some time with their sister!

Mr. Mister especially is already such a caring and protective older brother.  He made up a song about how she is the most beautiful girl and how he will never let her get hurt.  It was so sweet.  Here are some pictures of the adoring big brothers and the little object of their affection!

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