Thursday, April 29, 2010


When writing posts on my blog, I often wish it didn't have to be anonymous. It would be a lot easier to use names.

It wasn't always this way. I announced Mr. Mister's birth with his name and freely used everyone else's names too. But, after my laptop was stolen out of my house 2 years ago (while we were upstairs sleeping...creepy), I realized how precious identity is. And after random people from random places have left comments on my blog, I've realized that I only want to post pictures of my son online where anyone in the world can see him if I don't mention his real name. Probably a bit overboard, because I don't think that many people are concerned with what happens in my life besides all of you great friends who read this. But, it's a commitment I'm sticking to.

So anyway, all this to say that the drawback to anonymity on my blog is that when Baby comes, I won't be announcing his or her name on here. Don't worry, I'll make sure to announce the arrival and I'll post pictures. And I'm sure most of you will hear the news and name in some other way. If you don't, feel free to email me and I'll update you.

Thanks for bearing with me and my anonymity issues. And just a reminder...when you leave comments, please don't use any of our names...thanks!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mixing Paint

Yesterday morning, Mr. Mister and I spent a while painting some cards for people. It was part of this week of rest and was a very refreshing break to all our running around. I realized that although adding a baby will be so wonderful, this one on one time with him will be harder to come by. So I really just enjoyed watching him paint.
As soon as I poured out the paint onto the paper plate, he said, "I'm going to mix it!" And of course, because I like things nice and neat and I didn't want the card to be a big blob of brown, my first response was, "Why don't you paint for a little bit and then we'll mix it." As soon as I said it, I wanted to take it back. He's 2 1/2....mixing paint is not only a fun experiment, it's also such a great way to learn and play and interact with a world that's not black and white like I want it to be.
It was one of those moments that I realized how intentional I need to be in allowing him to be himself and not just an extension of me. I'm excited to foster his individuality and creativity and to see who he becomes.
So I took it back and told him to go ahead and mix it and have fun. And of course, it all turned out beautifully.

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Full Sentences

Mr. Mister has become very particular about how I answer his questions. He's really big on me using full sentences. Like this conversation as we were putting dirty clothes down the laundry chute:

Mr: Can this go down the laundry chute?
Me: Yep.
Mr: No, say, "Yes, it can go down the laundry chute."

Isn't is supposed to be the other way around??

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All Ready

Okay, Baby, you can make your entrance whenever you are ready. I have a nice clean house for you to come home to and all of your toys and clothes and diapers and bottles and pacifiers are clean and ready to go. Now we are just anxiously awaiting your arrival! And yes, I know that none of these things will stay clean and organized for long after you come. We will be in newborn survival mode for a little while, but that's okay.

None of that really matters anyway. You won't care what our house looks like. You will just want to be held and fed and cuddled and taken care of. We love you already and can't wait to have you become part of our family!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Surprise Visit

Today we made a surprise visit to Grandma and Papa, who were at a horse show in a city only a couple hours from our house. It was Grandma's birthday, with Papa's to follow in 3 days, so we decided to give them a fun surprise gift - Mr. Mister walking in their hotel room! We made a little sign that said, "Happy Birthday," pinned it to his shirt, and had him walk right in. Grandma was very surprised (Papa had caught on yesterday, so he was in on the plan).

It's too close to my due date to spend the night away, so we just stayed for the day and drove home again this evening. It was so much fun and such a treat to even just spend the afternoon with them. An added bonus was that Mr. Mister's great grandparents and great aunt who all live far away were there as well, so it was a special afternoon with family.

Sadly, we didn't get many good pictures. But Mr. Mister loved watching the horses go around and around the arena and pretending he was riding a horse too.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Next week I am forcing myself to rest. I'm not making plans or scheduling playdates. Maybe just a date with my husband one evening.

That sounds so peaceful. I can't wait. Because after that, life won't be so peaceful. Joyful yes, restful, probably not.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So now that I am in baby mode, I am remembering just how many things a baby uses. As I washed bottles and pacifiers and blankets and towels and many other things today, I was a little overwhelmed. And I've had to be creative in storing a lot of these things because last time it was just Mr. Mister's things. Now it's bottles and plastic toddler cups, tiny diapers and size 6 diapers, onesies and 3T clothes. It's a good challenge though and I'm kind of enjoying reorganizing everything to make it work.

In the moments that I wish we had an extra bedroom so Mr. Mister and Baby didn't have to share or when I feel like our house is just too small for all this stuff, I remember my friends in the Neza garbage dump outside of Mexico City. I watched those moms raise many kids in one room shacks without any of the "necessities" that seem to take over my house. With heaps of garbage as a playground, a tattered blanket as a door, and too many flies to count buzzing through the room, they somehow raised happy and healthy kids. It's really good for me to remember Maribel and Marta and so many reminds me to live simply and to enjoy simplicity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cloth Diapers

Add one more thing to my "done" cloth diapers are ordered. I'm really excited about doing cloth this time around. I decided to go with the Flip diapers, which are a new and pretty economical option in the cloth diapering world.

My sister and a couple friends have been super helpful in guiding me through this process, which was very overwhelming in the beginning. And a HUGE blessing was that several friends of mine all chipped in to help with the cost of buying them. Thank you!

Things to Do in Two Weeks

Throughout my pregnancy, I have been surprisingly laid back about this baby coming, considering how big events like this tend to stress me out. But last week, the reality of having another baby hit me and I went into baby mode. Lists of things to do before he/she arrives, realizing that I need to dig out baby clothes and bottles and other things that I've stored at my parents' house, having at least some things ready so I don't feel completely overwhelmed when we come home. Because it really could be any day (although I don't think it will be).

I've tried not to drive myself (or my husband) too crazy. But I think I'm pushing the crazy line. So I need to remember that I can still get an oil change after the baby comes. And if the bathroom doesn't get painted and the lock on the back gate isn't fixed or the broken key holder isn't put back up in the next two weeks, life will go on. And the baby will still come. And I probably won't notice those things because I'll be feeding every two hours and trying to sleep or shower or keep up with Mr. Mister the other moments of the day.

But, I do have to admit that some projects have made me feel very organized:
  • cleaning the basement so I have room to store all of this baby stuff - check!
  • scheduled carpet cleaning - check!
  • scheduled a whole house cleaning (a wonderful baby gift from my parents) - check!
  • a new boy and girl outfit for the baby to come home in (a gift from one of the most thoughtful friends I know) - check!
Next up: Pack a bag for the hospital. That's kind of important!

By the way, I have had so many people offer to help me get things done in the next weeks. I am so thankful for the community of friends and family we have!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cookie or Penny?

I mentioned before that we were really progressing in the whole potty training thing. Well, we've now regressed and after weeks of not changing any poopy diapers, we went weeks without using the potty at all. In fact, when I could tell Mr. Mister was about to go number two, I'd try to get him to go on the potty, offering any incentive that might work. But he'd just respond, "No, I want to go in my diaper." A very conscious choice. So I decided not to push it. Kids really will go when they are ready. Even if that doesn't align with my hopes of having him out of diapers by the time Baby 2 arrives.

A couple nights ago, we finally got him to go on the potty again. We showed our great excitement and then offered him the choice: Do you want a cookie or a penny? He thought for a second, and then like the wise young negotiator that he is, said, "I want a penny in this hand and a cookie in this hand!"

He finally decided on a cookie, but refused the animal cracker that worked for so long before. He told me,"No, the brown one." That would be a thin mint. So he's upping the ante on us. And according to everything I hear from my in-laws, he comes by it honestly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scenic Shots

I thought I scheduled this to post a few days ago, but I guess it didn't work. So here are the last of our vacation pictures...the beauty of the beach.
Mr. Mister and his uncle taking a break on the dock.

A shrimping boat.

Daddy and son enjoying the view.

Morning fog over the marsh.
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Monday, April 12, 2010

Pregnant Pictures

I had a request for a picture of me on my blog...I guess it's been a while since I've posted one. So here I am 37 weeks pregnant. When I came downstairs in this dress, Mr. Mister got a huge smile on his face and said, "Are you a princess?!!" It was so sweet. Or maybe it just means I don't get dressed up very much!

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Easter Pics

A little delayed, but here are some pics from Easter. We want so much for Mr. Mister to know Easter first for the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, which is the foundation for all of the hope and life we have in Him. So that's definitely our focus, but who can resist an Easter egg hunt and coloring eggs? Especially when a penny, a sticker, or a piece of candy inside is the greatest discovery in the world for a 2 year old!

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Vacation Videos

Perfectly joyful in the ocean, even on a chilly, rainy day.

Watching him run up and down the beach was my favorite thing. The toddler run is just too cute.

Loving Life at the Beach

I love seeing Mr. Mister enjoy life. The freedom of running and playing at the beach all day made him so joyful. Here are some fun pics: running down the pier, playing frisbee with Daddy (much to Daddy's delight), doing some yoga (completely unprompted by us), and showing off his handsome smile.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010


Here's a quick preview of some beach pics. He's a natural!

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We got back today from a wonderful vacation to the beach, which is why I haven't blogged over the past week. We were enjoying the sun and sand and (cold) ocean and it was all a much needed break from life. No computer, our phones off for most of the week, and days to just play and rest and be together.

It came at great timing because the two weeks prior to our trip were very long and hard ones for Daddy at work. Which made for some long and hard days at home with Mr. Mister for me. So, the escape was welcomed and refreshing. And it was even more fun because we went with Aunt K and Uncle N also.

There are many fun pictures and videos to come. All I can say is that Mr. Mister definitely has beach blood in him. The 58 degree water didn't phase him at all. He played hard, slept hard and was so much fun to be with. And we had very few tantrums. Maybe we should just move to the beach........