Monday, February 22, 2010


Today our neighbor invited Mr. Mister and me over to her house to eat some cupcakes she had baked for him, just because she's really sweet and because she loves seeing him, and because he kind of asked her to make him some the other day. Oh, what that little smile can get him.

Anyway, while we were over there, she showed him a picture of her 3 year old granddaughter dressed up like Snow White on Halloween. Here was our conversation:

Neighbor: Who does she look like?
Mr: blank stare.
Neighbor: She's Snow White!
Mr: blank stare.
Me: I don't think he knows who Snow White is.
Neighbor: Snow White is a princess.
Mr: blank stare.
Me: Um, I don't think he knows what a princess is.

But he can drop the elbow!

If Baby #2 is a girl, our world is definitely going to change a little.

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

so funny! boys will be boys.