Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day!

It was fun to get several inches of snow today. We finally made it out to play in it after Mr. Mister's nap in the afternoon. For some reason, he did not want to go out...maybe it was the whole getting ready process. But after we finally got him out there, he had a lot of fun, especially making snow angels. My favorite part was riding with Mr. Mister in the sled while Daddy ran and pulled us along the straight stretch of sidewalk in front of our house. He sure got a workout!

We were hoping to use the "snowman kit" Aunt J and Cousin Beybeth made for Mr. Mister for Christmas (complete with a hat, gloves, sticks, buttons, and rocks for decorating a snowman). But, it wasn't great packing snow so it will have to wait. Hopefully there will be more snow to come!

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1 comment:

Denise said...

Whew...dont u love snow days!
Looks like a fun time outside for all. all are looking good! Love, Aunt D.