Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mr. Mister in Action

Here are two really funny videos of Mr. Mister. The first was at the walk-through light display we went to the other night. In the big barn afterwards, they had hot chocolate, cookies, and a girl scout troop singing Christmas carols on stage. You would think the cookies would be his favorite part, but he quickly bolted from our table to go watch the girls sing. Then, without a second thought, he climbed up on stage to sing with them! It was hilarious - he was standing off to the side, singing and swaying like he belonged there. He loves being on stage (personality trait number 500 that he did not get from his mom!).

This second video was from breakfast one morning. He loves hot chocolate (or hot cholick, as he says). We totally set him up for this little commercial shoot, but it's so funny anyway. He's a natural in front of the camera (personality trait number 501 he didn't get from his mom).

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