Monday, January 11, 2010

Hitting the High Notes

Mr. Mister loves to sing and picks up on songs pretty quickly. One of the songs we've been singing to him before bed is O Holy Night (the Christmas song). Here he is singing the "night divine" part, which is really high and really funny. He makes us laugh so much! Oh, and there's a little intro of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, which is his favorite.


The Hamons said...

That is hilarious!! He's quite the little performer! :)

Stinky Pete said...

Really...this should go viral. My favorite part is that his pajamas say "hot shot." Can't wait until he is on American Idol :)

Greg and Mary Lynn said...

I had to watch this like 5 times because it is SO cute and cracked me up!!

hawleykj said...

i'm still laughing.