Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Swing

We recently got out our old baby swing to loan to a friend who is having a baby any day! Mr. Mister had so much fun playing with it for the couple of days that it sat in our family room before giving it to her. He put his duckie and baby in there and swung them gently (most of the time) and fed them pretend food (playdough). He told me, "When Mommy's baby comes out, Mr. Mister going to put it in the swing and push like this. Weeee!"

He even climbed in it and spent some time relaxing as it swung. I thought it would break, but apparently it holds at least 35 pounds!

Even though it's now been a week since we gave it to our friend, he still says, "Mr. Mister sad give swing to Beybeth with baby in her belly. Want it back." So I assure him that it's fun to share our things and that we can use it again when our baby comes.

I wish I got a picture of him actually in the swing, but here's him pushing his toys in it and then one of him as a newborn in it. What a big difference!

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jordan said...

haha that second pic looks like you literally just brought him home and put him in the swing! :)

jordan said...

oops its elizabeth.. i am for some reason under jordans name!