Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Cousin!

Tonight we went to my nephew's 1st birthday party. All day Mr. Mister was looking forward to singing Happy Birthday and eating cake. He wanted to eat it right when we got there, but I told him he had to wait until after dinner. He was disappointed to find out after he ate really fast that we had to wait for everyone to finish eating.

He finally got his cake, after a little miscommunication (see below). And he got to help his cousin open his presents. Of course, he wanted to play with everything and one time he even said, "Look what we got!"

Here are some funny pictures from the night:

This was after I told him he couldn't stick his finger in the cake. He thought I said he couldn't have any cake. He immediately broke down in tears. We quickly cleared that one up!

The birthday boy, looking a little confused when everyone was singing to him. And he wasn't interested in eating his cake. But he had a big brother and a big cousin who were more than willing to eat it!

The 2 year olds were "helping" open the gifts.

3 toddlers playing the piano together in their pajamas - it doesn't get much cuter than that. Especially because for this one minute there was no pushing, yelling, or fighting over toys!
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Megan said...

I'm glad there was no fighting for that minute! That reminds me of the other day when I was watching my friend's little girl, Aly. She's about 5 months older than Mary so she's better at things in general. Whenever Mary went to play with something Aly would go too. Not to take it from her, but just to play too. But Mary just stepped back and looked at Aly, then at me like, 'What do I do mom?' And I thought, 'If you were a boy you'd be pushing Aly out of the way right now!'

hawleykj said...

thanks for posting these! what cute pics. i haven't looked at mine yet. i'll try to download when we get home.

see you next week for some serious family bonding!

Denise said...

I love this pic!