Monday, May 17, 2010

2 Weeks

I finally have a minute to update on how we are doing in this new life of toddler and baby. We've made it two weeks, which feels like an accomplishment! It's been more of an adjustment than I expected. I think the hardest part has been not getting much sleep and waking up to a toddler who is full of energy and ready to go. So sleep is harder to come by and harder to catch up on. But, we are doing well and every day is a little better.

I've had a range of emotions, which is to be expected in the post-partum time. Many days in the beginning of wondering how I'll do this. Some moments of missing our old life of predictability and having a set schedule. Feeling a little overwhelmed by newborn things again. Feeling like all I do is nurse every couple hours. Missing one-on-one time with Mr. Mister and hoping he still knows he's loved even in this crazy transition. Etc. etc. etc.

But, two weeks later, I'm feeling much less overwhelmed. Still a little stir crazy and confined because I haven't ventured out too much and still spend most of the day feeding. But more confident that I can do it and life will feel normal again!

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