Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Taste of Summer

We had a fun taste of summer this weekend. We met the whole PA family at an indoor waterpark for two days, where Mr. Mister had a blast playing with everyone and splashing in the water. When we first got there, we put him down a kiddie slide that went a lot faster than we thought it would go. He zoomed down and flew off the end, going underwater before I could catch him. He came up wide-eyed and shocked and then said, "again?" He went one more time but every other time we asked him if he wanted to go, he shook his head and said very firmly, "no."

He spent the rest of the time in the kiddie pool. It was like a never ending bath in a huge bath tub. Even with pruny hands he didn't want to get out. It was so much fun and a nice escape from the cold winter. We were welcomed back to reality, however, by a snow storm as we left. We escaped it after driving south a little ways, but the rest of the family followed the storm east for their entire drive. Thankfully, everyone made it home safely.

We got one more taste of summer when we arrived home to a very HOT house. Our heat was at 90 degrees! We had a guy here cleaning our carpet right before we left Saturday morning, so we think he must have hit the thermostat with his equipment on his way out. So we opened some windows and put on shorts and didn't feel like a snowy winter night!

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