Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Last night, the three of us went out to dinner, intending to use a gift card that someone recently gave us. They ended up messing up our order, so not only did it take an hour, but it was the wrong food. While it was tempting to get frustrated, we knew our server was having a rough night and getting upset wouldn't really help anything. So we were patient and tried to encourage him a little bit. We weren't in a hurry and Mr. Mister was doing amazingly well (thankfully they had already brought his food out).

I figured they would give us a discount, but they ended up giving us our entire meal for free! It was such a fun surprise.

One of the ways Mr. Mister stayed entertained was by dipping everything we gave him in ketchup. He randomly started this at McDonald's on our way home from PA after Christmas, when he not only dipped his chicken in it, but his apples too. (Daddy is excited, I think it's gross). So at the restaurant last night, he dipped everything from bread to broccoli to pasta in his ketchup and when the food ran out, he just dipped his hands in it. That really grosses me out, but he stayed quiet and content so I'll take it!

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