Monday, November 19, 2007


In the past few years I've come to appreciate being aware of what's going on in the world. Reading the newspaper is a morning routine...even if it is just the Hamilton Journal. I don't always know the details of every situation going on in the world, but I do like to have a general knowledge of current events.

So I was reading the paper last Thursday and came across an article titled "Bishops: Follow church in vote." The subtitle said: "Without making endorsements, they say Catholics must heed church teachings or risk salvation." RISK SALVATION?? This intrigued me and I kept reading.

Basically, at the recent US Conference of Catholic Bishops, they decided to urge Catholic voters to follow church teaching when deciding who to vote for in the 2008 presidential election. They did not endorse specific policies or candidates, but wanted to make sure their members are voting to promote common good. Fair enough.

However, here's what fired me up. Direct quote: "Political choices faced by citizens have an impact on general peace and prosperity and also may affect the individual's salvation." WHAT??!! Our salvation is at risk depending on who we vote for??!! Even if that were true, the Bishops didn't suggest who they wanted people to vote for to ensure their salvation, so I hope everyone makes a good guess.

Does anyone else find this appalling? I don't get fired up too often, but this did me in. If the leaders of the church are teaching that salvation can be earned and lost based on who we vote for, what are the millions of people following those leaders believing?? I want to make it clear that I am in no way speaking out against the Catholic church. I am only taking a stance against this specific teaching. The Bible is very clear that our salvation is not based on what we do, but purely on the grace of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross, His resurrection, and our choice to be in a relationship with Him. I can understand how people (wrongly) view salvation as works based. Our society is so centered around earning everything that it can be very difficult to grasp the concept that we cannot and do not have to earn our way to heaven. But the idea that our salvation is able to be swayed by who we vote for not only flies in the face of the truth of grace, but it flat out sounds ridiculous.

I feel like someone needs to speak out against this, even if it's only me on my blog. God's grace is too beautiful to allow it to be ignored and replaced by such an idea. His love for us does not depend on who we vote for and the opportunity to live eternally with Him cannot be influenced by our political stance. Don't get me wrong...grace is not cheap. Our salvation cost Jesus everything. But grace is free. No strings attached. Just the offer to follow Him and to experience a life beyond rules and beyond religion....a life of hope and promise...abundant life here on earth and for eternity to come.

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

Well stated, Michelle. If salvation could so easily be earned as by voting for the right person, than what was the point in Jesus' death? I feel even more strongly about that now being a parent. I can't even handle seeing Aidan cry getting a shot that I know is for his own good. How could God possibly sit in Heaven and watch his Son suffer and die if there was any possible alternative? Even Jesus cried out to God to remove the cup of suffering from Him if it was possible. I feel like that would be the perfect place in the Bible for God to say, "Forget this crucifixion thing... We'll just call it even as long as you vote for the right person."