Friday, November 2, 2007

Trick Or Treat

I've been waiting for months to dress Mr. Mister up for Halloween in this cute dog costume we got from my mom back when I first found out I was pregnant. It's not really a Halloween's supposed to be a warm winter outfit, but it sure beats the expensive costumes they sell at Babies R Us for a baby that doesn't even know what it's wearing.

Anyway, I was excited when Wednesday finally rolled around. I figured that taking Mr. Mister trick-or-treating may be taking advantage of his cuteness in order to get candy for ourselves. So, I thought we would just take him to a couple neighbors that we know and share the joy of seeing a baby in a dog costume. But, as I have discovered in the past 10 weeks of motherhood, some things (okay, most things) just don't go as planned.

Trick-or-treating went from 6:00 - 8:00. Mr. Mister fell asleep promptly at 6:00. And was still asleep at 7:30. Mark and I debated if it was worth it to wake him up to put the costume on. I felt bad doing it mostly because it was more for our entertainment than for Mr. Mister's enjoyment. But we couldn't resist. He surprisingly stayed asleep throughout the whole dressing ordeal. We took him next door to Dottie's house...we knew she would love seeing him dressed up. She did and Mr.Mister even opened his eyes for about 5 seconds before falling back to sleep. Mark and I talked to Dottie for a couple minutes, got a Reese Cup from her bowl of candy, and decided that was enough for the night and went back home.

So that was our exciting Halloween night. It didn't help that we had NO trick-or-treaters come to our door! On one hand, I was surprised because when I was younger, I would have loved to trick-or-treat in a place like this where the houses are so close together. On the other hand, it makes sense, considering the fact that half the front porch lights in our row of houses were turned off. And anyway, we knew no one would come to our door because last year we only had one trick-or-treater...a mom and dad with their infant daughter dressed up...taking advantage of her cuteness to get candy for themselves :)

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

He looks so cute as a puppy! It was worth getting him in the outfit, if it was only for a picture. He'll love to look back on it someday.