Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This picture shows one of Mr. Mister's new discoveries...his thumb. He sucks his thumb now, but only as a way of putting himself to sleep. The cutest part is that he is just figuring out how to curl the rest of his fingers out of the way. What you see in the picture above is actually some improvement...the rest of his fingers are only on his nose, not covering his eyes!

Another new discovery is his voice. He started cooing a few weeks ago, but more recently he has discovered his LOUD voice! In the mornings when he wakes up, he's the most alert. While he lays on the changing table, he talks to me, but these are no soft coos anymore...he has realized he can change the volume of his voice and he loves to try it out!

His other discovery is the handsome baby in the mirror. When I hold him in front of the mirror, he looks at himself and then gets a big smile on his face. He stares at himself and smiles for as long as I'll hold him there. He knows he's cute :)

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