Thursday, November 12, 2009


I thought I'd give a little pregnancy update since I didn't mention much about it earlier.

I am 15 weeks now and feeling well. I had 2 weeks in the very beginning of off and on nausea, but after that I've been feeling fine. I never got sick with Mr. Mister, so I'm thankful for a repeat of that. (Could it mean another boy?)

I'm definitely getting a belly. I like it because it makes it feel more real. We've heard the heartbeat twice, which is always such an amazing feeling. And I guess my ultrasound will be in the next 5 weeks. Hard to believe that will be half way! We're not sure if we're finding out what it is. We didn't with Mr. Mister, but while we're leaning toward that again, we're a little less firm in the decision. I think I want to find out and not tell anyone, but when I suggested that to my mom, she laughed. She knows me too well - I can't keep fun things in!

I've had two specific cravings so far. The first was for licorice. And not Twizzlers, but the Red Vine kind. The second was cheese. I craved it a lot during my 1st pregnancy too. I did end up buying Red Vine at the store and after two pieces, my craving was over. The cheese was a little more extreme. That day at the grocery store (in addition to all my groceries), I bought sliced cheese, string cheese, shredded cheese, and cottage cheese. (I didn't eat it all at once.)

Mr. Mister is going to be such a good big brother. He has baby that he plays with and today he was wrapping it up in a blanket and rocking it. It was so sweet. And thankfully, we've (mostly) made it through the biting, pinching, and hitting stages. Hopefully, we'll be through the current kicking and pushing stage by May and we should be good to go for the arrival of baby brother or sister!

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