Monday, August 6, 2007

A Little Progress!

Today my doctor informed me that I am dilated 1 cm! She also told me that I could be dilated 1 cm for 1 day, 2 days, or 2 weeks. So I'm excited, but not getting my hopes up. At least it's more progress than I had last week. I'm sure all of you who have had babies before are chuckling at my excitement over 1 cm. I realize there's a long way to go still, but this makes it a little more real.

Three weeks ago, I was ready for this baby to come. All the battery operated baby toys were put together, I felt equipped with all the knowledge I needed from my childbirth/child care classes, and I knew this baby could come any day. But the baby didn't come and I have recently found myself forgetting the reality of the impending arrival. After all the excitement and no news, I settled back into my normal routine of life, somewhat believing that it wasn't really going to happen. So the 1cm announcement is a big deal for me...bringing me back to reality that I will have a baby soon....could be tonight, tomorrow, or in two weeks, which would make it right on time.

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