Thursday, January 12, 2012

Birthday Love

This week I became another year older.  Besides that fact, it was a wonderful day.  It was sunny and warm and I got to do so many fun things like sleep in, go for a walk, and spend time reading and journaling at Starbucks (one of my favorite birthday traditions).  I also felt so loved by a lot of different people.

One of my favorite parts was waking up to Daddy and the kids eating breakfast.  They had a Happy Birthday sign up and a homemade card ready for me.  It was actually one of those coupon books with different things I could trade my coupons for.  See if you can tell which ones Daddy helped the boys come up with and which ones they came up with on their own:

1. A quiet house
2. No whining
3. Hugs
4. Ice skating
5. Football
6. Football

Haha. I love that they just think of the things they like to do!  The two football entries were both from Mr. Newton.  That's one of his favorite words.

I love these boys!  And my husband, who takes such good care of me.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Happy,happy birthday! Here's to another year!