Monday, March 30, 2009


One of Mr. Mister's new favorite things to do is to drive. He loves to sit in the driver's seat of our cars and pretend to drive. He even knows where to put the keys and he loves playing with all the buttons and gadgets.

So I decided that I wanted to find some kind of toy with a steering wheel for him so he could drive a little more safely on his own! I didn't want one of those big cars he could sit in because we don't have room for something like that. So I looked around a couple of places and didn't see what I wanted.

Then, last night, we were at my parents' house and Mr. Mister was playing with their steering wheel toy. I said, "I have been looking for something like this for him." All of a sudden, Daddy said, "He has a toy like that." As he described it to me, I realized that I had put some toys in a box in the basement months ago, planning to rotate them so they seemed like new toys for Mr. Mister. But of course, I forgot I put them there and even forgot what was in the box. Sure enough, this toy was in that box! Good thing I didn't buy one!

P.S. Mr. Mister has gotten a hair cut since those pictures were taken!

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

A loves to drive, too. He doesn't understand why he can't sit in the driver's seat when the car is moving! We've had a battle or two over A having to sit in the back seat!