Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Big Weekend

This weekend was big for our family. We were away from Mr. Mister for the entire weekend! We attended a marriage conference downtown from Friday night through Sunday afternoon. On Friday night, my younger sister and her husband stayed at our house with Mr. Mister and then brought him to my parents' house on Saturday afternoon. He spent Saturday night there and we came back this afternoon to get him.

He did very well the whole weekend and only asked for us a couple times. We missed him a lot, but really enjoyed our weekend at the hotel without him! I think that's okay. By the time we were heading to my parents' house to pick him up, I was very antsy and excited to see him. He's just so cute and so much fun (and so much work...but I'm refreshed and ready to go again!).

So after three weekends in a row with nights away from him, I'm ready to just be home and be together. And we are excited for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa T this weekend!

By the way, did you know that the greatest gift parents can give their children is to love each other? Kids find tremendous security in knowing that their parents are in love. I love that.

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