Friday, March 6, 2009

Birthday Parties

Mr. Mister was busy celebrating birthdays last weekend. On Friday morning, he and I went to my sister's for Cousin Ney Ney's birthday playdate. It was such a fun time with 5 little kids playing with play dough, making masks, dancing, playing with the parachute, and of course, eating cupcakes.

Then, Saturday morning, Daddy took Mr. Mister back to Ney Ney's house for his family birthday party (I had spent the night at a women's overnight with women from church). They had a fun time eating cake and celebrating his 2nd birthday.

Then, Saturday afternoon after I got home, the three of us went to Pey Pey's house for his first birthday party. Mr. Mister helped Pey Pey open his presents and was excited for all the new toys since he knew he'd get to play with them when he goes there on Tuesdays. During the cupcake eating time, I gave him canteloupe instead, seeing as this was his third birthday party in two days!

I don't have pictures from all three parties, but here are some from the birthday playdate.

Evidence of a good birthday party!

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