Thursday, March 5, 2009

18 months

Mr. Mister was 18 months on February 22nd and since then it seems like he has turned a big corner in his development, especially with his words. He picks up new words so quickly now, sometimes after I've only said them once.

The other day he was doing a Mickey Mouse puzzle at my parents' house and I told him "That's Mickey." And he repeated Mickey like he had said it a hundred times. Then today, we were reading a Baby Einstein book that has pictures of real animals in their habitats. We were flipping through the pages as he named every animal. We came to the mole, which I had said in the past when we read this book, but I've never heard him say it. I said, "What's this?" And he said, "mole." It caught me so off guard! I couldn't believe he remembered that word and said it so well.

Another thing that I love is when he starts saying the names of all the people he knows out of the blue. He will just sit there naming all his friends and family without any prompting. I would love to know what's going on in his head!

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