Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Daddy Only

Mr. Mister is going through a Daddy Only stage. He wants Daddy to be the one to clean his hands after he eats, to change his diaper, to give him his bath, to put his pajamas on, etc. I love that he adores his daddy so much...they have a very special relationship that a lot of dad's don't have with their kids. And I am SO thankful for how involved Daddy is in Mr. Mister's life. He loves spending time with him (like last night when they had Guy's Night while I was gone...an outdoor pizza party and lots of fun playing!).

But, it can be hard when I'm the one home with him during the day because if Daddy's not here to rock him before his nap, he gets upset. So it feels like I'm fighting through a lot of resistance these days, which can be tiring. So far I'm not letting it upset me because I know Mr. Mister loves his mommy too. But this morning was kind of hard when I walked in to his room when he woke up and I was greeted with a scowl and "No. Daddy." But I know it's a stage and I know he loves us both!


hawleykj said...

we're having the opposite stage. it's mommy only at our house, which is very hard for both of us. hang in there. you know he loves his momma! you are doing a great job raising that little man.

The Hamons said...

Aw! Talk about breaking a Mama's heart... There will always be that tension, I think - Evan's finally loving Daddy more, though he still prefers me, and a big part of me can't wait for that day when he makes DADDY'S day by wanting him more, but I KNOW I'll be plagued with a bit of jealousy all the same :) Oh, the turmoils of a mother's heart!!