Monday, April 30, 2012

Running the Bases

This past weekend we went to the Reds' game with my family and some relatives who were in town for my cousin's wedding.  We got off to a little bit of a rough start with a poopy blowout from the Little Miss right when we sat down.  As if that wasn't bad enough, we also opened the diaper bag to find that we had left the wipes in the car!  I passed that job off to Daddy and he did a great job improvising and changing her on a changing pad on the ground in front of our seats.  I found peanut shells in her dirty clothes when I put them in the wash!  What great memories from her first baseball game.

After that eventful beginning, we had a lot of fun.  Our seats were close to the field and the boys enjoyed yelling "Go Reds!"  I don't know if the people in front of us thought it was as cute as I did.

We got to see fireworks for a couple homeruns and at the end of the game because they won.  Then to top it all off, it was "run the bases" day!  Daddy, Uncle N, and the boys waited in a long line to go down on the field and run the bases.  They loved it and were so cute running on the big field.  Here they are afterwards.

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