Monday, October 4, 2010


As I left the grocery store a couple weeks ago in the pouring down rain and Mr. Newton screaming (as he had been since we entered the checkout line, but at that point what was I going to do?), I realized that to hurry is not innate.  The rain and the screaming had no impact on the speed at which Mr. Mister moved toward the car and into his car seat.  I found myself getting very impatient, appalled that he could not see that this would be a great time to move a little faster.

I recently read this blog post called Rush Hour on the Moms of Boys blog (one of my favs).  It challenged me to slow down and enjoy the pace that Mr. Mister sets.  There's much more awe and enjoyment in a toddler's world than in the rushing, running late, cramming in as much as I can life that I tend to live.  I still might not be super patient in the rain with a screaming baby, but it's encouraging to slow down more often!

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