Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monarch Butterfly

One of the coolest presents Mr. Mister got for his birthday was a monarch caterpillar in a jar. Our friends gave us directions on how to take care of it and we got to watch it munch milkweed leaves, turn into a light green chrysalis with gold markings, turn black and transparent, and then come out as a monarch butterfly. It was such an exciting process and Mr. Mister learned a lot.  I wish I took pictures of each step.

We released it yesterday. We prepped Mr. Mister for the fact that it would fly away.  He thought he would get to hold it on his finger first (like at the butterfly show), but when it came out of the jar, it just flew away.

This resulted in some tears and a minute of devastation until we could distract him by showing him how the butterfly landed in our tree. 

By, Mr. butterfly!  Have fun on your trip down south!
Saludanos a Mexico!
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1 comment:

hawleykj said...

we officially killed ours. bummer! i'm glad yours survived being "cared for" by a three year old.