Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day

This past weekend we trekked out to a state park with some friends.  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed some hiking, swimming, grilling, and hanging out outside.  It took a lot of planning and packing, but it was worth all of the work to get there.

Still smiling (and still friends) after sharing a two bedroom cabin for three days.
That would be 6 adults, 2 toddlers, and 2 babies.
Mr. Newton and his future girlfriend.
 (Daddy wore that jacket when he was little!)
Mothering boys lesson #1 -
Even when the car is packed with necessities, the football helmet is still a priority.
Mothering boys lesson #2 - 
Playing football is not a prerequisite for wearing the football helmet.
The crew hiking. Lots of backpacks and baby carriers involved.
This is how most of our hikes ended.
Three year old legs get pretty tired after a lot of walking through the woods.
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1 comment:

Megan said...

totally random - but your hair looks really good in pig tails. Cute!