Saturday, September 11, 2010


I've said before that Mr. Mister is gifted with an incredibly compassionate heart for people who are hurting.  Here are two recent examples:

1.  Daddy and I were both really sick last night...hardly able to move, which makes it really difficult to be a parent to a baby and a toddler.  (Don't you think it should be illegal for both parents to be sick at the same time?!).  Mr. Mister rubbed our backs, brought us toys, offered us water, and even brushed my hair out of my face as I laid on the couch.  He talked to us in the sweetest little voice and genuinely wanted to make us feel better.   Thankfully, he spent the day today at Grandma and Nonno's so hopefully he stays healthy!

2.  The other day on the way to the zoo, we were waiting at a red light downtown when Mr. Mister all of a sudden said, "Mom, what's she doing?"  I followed his pointing finger to see a woman sitting on the opposite corner of the intersection, holding a sign that I couldn't read from where we were stopped.  Oh man, here we go.  The beginning of hard life lessons.  Here was our conversation:

Me: She's probably asking for help with money or food because she doesn't have much.
Mr.: And no one is helping her?
Me: (my heart sinking)  No, I guess not.  It doesn't look like anyone is helping her, does it?
Mr.: No.

A minute passed in silence and then he said, "But we have a lot of food.  We could share ours with her."

It was the most genuine compassion and to him it was just logical that that would be the solution.  Is that what childlike faith looks like?

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

what beautiful stories. i love his sweet, compassionate heart.