Friday, September 4, 2009

School is in Session

Yesterday I started the last class of my master's degree! I enjoyed my summer off so much....freedom to play and the ability to enjoy Mr. Mister's nap times without school work constantly hanging over my head. But the freedom is over for now. Only 8 WEEKS and I will be finished. Oh, it will feel so good to be done.

This class is a teaching practicum, so I will actually be in an ESL classroom 2 days a week. My friend (who is expecting her first baby in December - yay!) is watching Mr. Mister, which I am so thankful for.

So anyway, just wanted to let you know that the blog posts may slow down. I do have a few more pictures to post from different events at the end of the summer. I'll get there eventually!

1 comment:

Megan said...

When you get done I'm going to start calling you Master.

JK, but I do tell Ian that he should have his students call him master. He said that would be inappropriate...