Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Day at the Ballpark

This past Monday, Daddy took the day off and we went to an afternoon baseball game downtown. It was Mr. Mister's first game and we actually made it through the whole thing. He liked yelling, "Hit the ball, man!"

It was a gorgeous day and so much fun to spend the afternoon there as a family. We were one of maybe 1000 people there at most. Here were all the highlights ....
  • We moved from our nosebleed seats to 15 rows behind the dugout. The first hit we saw was a homerun and our team won the game when a guy stole home in the bottom of the 9th. It all happened right in front of us.
  • Daddy and Mr. Mister got on the big screen during the "Dance Cam." Daddy was dancing with Mr. Mister on his shoulders. Mr. Mister just sucked his thumb the whole time...he didn't realize he was famous!
  • Mr. Mister met both team mascots (who knew there were two?). He was scared of both.
  • Mr. Mister charmed a lady in front of us into sharing her popcorn with him. That smile is going to get him places!

Mr. Mister's other favorite part - drinking out of the water fountains!
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