Monday, February 16, 2009


Yesterday, Daddy brought Mr. Mister to my parent's house to take a nap after church while I stayed to volunteer in the nursery during the second service (because my parents live much closer to church than we do). After I arrived there a little later, Mr. Mister woke up, we played a little bit and then gathered all our belongings and drove home.

Later that evening, as I was getting dinner ready, I wondered what Mr. Mister had eaten for lunch when I wasn't there. So I asked my husband. A long pause followed as he thought about it. Then he answered, "I never fed him lunch!"

Mr. Mister slept through lunch and never even showed signs of needing to eat. He did have some crackers as a snack that afternoon, but didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that he never ate lunch. For someone who loves to eat, I was shocked that he let us get away with it!

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