Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Mr. Mister and I went to Colorado with my mom for a week to visit my brother, his wife, and their two boys. My younger sister met us out there later in the week also. It was so much fun seeing them and Mr. Mister loved playing with his older cousins. And as always, the Rocky Mountains were beautiful and refreshing.

While we were there, Mr. Mister started imitating more words, including my favorite - Baba for Grandma (my mom says Baba is fine for now but it can't stick! I don't blame her). He also said something along the lines of "bounce" when he would bounce up and down on the mattress, "achoo" when we would pretend to sneeze, and "banana," his favorite food.

You can tell by Mr. Mister's clothes in the pictures below (besides the first pic) that it was cold! With temperatures in the 50s a couple days, a hail storm, and overnight snow on the mountain peaks, it felt like late fall. It was a refreshing break from the August heat here, but I'm not quite ready for winter yet.

Mr. Mister did great with all the traveling, and loved spending the week with his Grandma. But when we got home and he saw his daddy, he couldn't stop smiling and giving him hugs. When we tried to hand him to my mom to say goodbye, he turned back to his daddy and held on tight. It was the cutest!

Here are some pictures from the week....

This is the view when you walk out of their house. It makes me laugh when I think that my nephews will grow up thinking that everyone has mountains like this outside their windows!

Here is Mr. Mister throwing rocks in the river with Grandma. The first day was warm enough to spend a lot of time outside. Throwing rocks in the river is my nephew K's favorite activity.

Mr. Mister and his cousins, showing how big they are!


hawleykj said...

Hey MO... some of the pics didn't upload. Can you try again? I can't wait to see pics from your trip.

Nancy said...

We had so much fun! Great pictures. Mom

hawleykj said...

thanks! these are so cute! looks like a great time!