Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A New Man

Mr. Newton emerged from his week long sickness as a new baby.
Or should I say big boy.

He has a huge appetite.  He continually outlasts the rest of us at meals and does not stop eating on his own.  We just have to stop feeding him. (that is exactly how Mr. Mister used to be!)  The other night he ate chili, broccoli, cheese, bread, apples, and avacado before I made him be finished.

Pureed baby food?  No thank you.  Just what everyone else is eating.  I've heard that this happens with second children and is definitely the case with him.  He wants to feed himself and he only wants to eat what we are eating.

And the best change of all....he sleeps all night long.  As soon as he was healthy, it clicked, as if he's been doing it his whole life. He sleeps til 7:30 or 8 now without waking up.  That makes this mama very happy.

He also learned how to climb the steps. When he crawls over to them, his eyes become so happy and excited, like he is ready for adventure.  I'm sure he'll have many adventures to come in this family!
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Katie said...

Oh my gosh! He's so big now! :)

Nancy said...

Every child needs a spaghetti face picture...this one is his! Climbing stairs?! Grandma and Nonno better get ready.