Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blue Days

Mr. Mister has been having a hard time letting Daddy work in the basement without wanting to go play with him. It's understandable - it's hard at that age to comprehend weekdays vs. weekends. They're all the same to him!

So I made him a calendar and colored the weekends blue. And I made a little star that we move onto each day's square so we can see what color the day is. If it's blue, it means Daddy can play all day. If not, we have to let him work in his office.

Mr. Mister caught on quickly to the whole concept of it. But, he really loves blue days, so on Monday when he woke up, he said, "It's a blue day!" Sadly, it wasn't, so I took him to the calendar to show him where we had to put the star that day. But after I moved it, he moved it right back to the blue square and said, "No, it goes here!"

Then, after his nap (still on Monday), he woke up and said, "Is it a blue day?"

It's really sweet....he just loves his daddy so much! I don't blame him...I wish Daddy could just hang out with us all day, too.

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