Tuesday, January 4, 2011

8 Months

A month makes such a difference!

You are crawling, pulling up, even cruising a little as you let go of the coffee table and go to the couch.

You have discovered (and prefer) all of the off limit things like the DVD player, the space heater, the humidifier, any cord you see, etc. We have had to start saying no to you. You mostly smile when I say no. But one time you actually stopped and turned around. I got so excited and smothered you with kisses. That made you really happy and you smothered me with kisses in return. The big, sloppy, whole mouth baby kisses that are so sweet (and that only a mother can love, literally).

You used to be the easiest baby in the world to put to bed. We would just give you something to cuddle with (stuffed animal, blanket, burp rag, anything semi-soft would do) and you would automatically put your thumb in your mouth and fall asleep. Seriously, so easy.

THEN, you learned to stand up in your crib. And now you still cuddle, put that thumb in your mouth, almost close your eyes....and then you see the side of the crib and remember, "I know how to stand up!" And up you go. And you do not want to go to sleep because you just want to stand.

You also know what you want. If I take away the remote control or my cell phone or anything else you want but can't have, you arch your back and cry. (Because babies always know that the bright, colorful, plastic toys are not quite as fun.)

But in all of this, you are learning so much and I love how interactive you have become. You still have the happiest smile. Everyone wants to know if you are always that happy. Yes, you are.

And this week, you are healthy. That's an accomplishment. I'm sure in a week you will have another cough, because it always comes back. I wonder if you might have asthma. I hope you are just a baby during winter.

But no matter what, I love you and love that you are part of our family!
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Katie said...

He is getting so big! I love the pictures, Michelle! Keep them coming! :)

Jennifer said...

I love this. You are such a good and loving mom, it's so encouraging.