Thursday, September 11, 2008

4 Hours of Freedom

I don't know if I've shared this on here yet, but my friend and I recently started watching each other's kids once a week. She takes Mr. Mister for 4 hours on Tuesday afternoons and I take her little guy for 4 hours on Wednesday mornings. It has been so refreshing to have this chunk of time by myself each week. A lot can be done in 4 hours without a baby! I've used the time to run errands, clean the house, pay bills, etc....things that either take a lot more time with a baby or are squeezed into too-short nap times. At the end of October, I'm starting my masters classes again, so that time will probably be filled with school work instead. However, my dream is to one day take a 4 hour nap. I doubt I'll ever really do that - I'm too much of a doer to not be productive with that time. But it sure sounds nice.

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