Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15

I'm not sure what's so special about May 15, but for some reason Dunkin' Donuts was offering free Iced Coffee today (really free - no catch!) and McDonald's was offering a free chicken sandwiches. Who doesn't love something free? In my opinion, free grants permission to consume things I normally wouldn't, so we made a date out of it. This was especially easy because both restaurants are right near our house and across the street from each other. We loaded Mr. Mister into the car seat and took off for the double drive thru experience. Sitting in the parking lot eating while Mr. Mister sat quietly watching the rain through the window was one of the most peaceful moments we've had in a while. A free date with a quiet baby was a nice way to spend a rainy evening.

1 comment:

The Hamons said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous you got to partake of the free Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee. What I wouldn't GIVE to have a Dunkin out here! :)