Monday, July 9, 2012


I never thought it would really happen, but our house sold!  Yay!  And we found a new house two miles away that is perfect for our family.  God led us on a very interesting journey to this house, which was on the market the whole time.  I think that if we had originally looked at it in the beginning, we wouldn't have been so excited about it.  I hope to write a blog post someday about the process, but who knows if I'll ever get to it.  So I'll just say that from the beginning we had three main prayers: that our hope would not be in a house but in Him, that we would not rely on worldly wisdom, and that God would send us into a neighborhood where we can be intentional with our neighbors.  This house seems like the perfect answer to all of those requests.

We are really excited but we also know a lot can happen between today when we signed the contract and our closing date of August 1.  So we continue to wait and trust!

This summer has been so crazy already with vacations, Daddy's work, sickness, and now we are adding in closing on our current home and packing up and moving.  It is a daily discipline to take it one day at a time and trust that God gives me enough grace for that day!

1 comment:

Steph said...

must have missed this post earlier. Congrats!! Packing with little "helpers" definitely has its challenges, but praise God that you have the hurdle to cross. So happy for you guys and know that He will continue to use your family in wonderful ways.