Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Update

For anyone who might be looking for a baby update, he or she has not arrived yet.  Tomorrow, Feb. 15th, is my official due date.  I'm so excited to meet this little one!  We are pretty organized and ready to go...just waiting!

On that note, God knew that we couldn't have handled this baby coming early last week.  We had two or three very long weeks of Mr. Newton not sleeping at night (thanks to brief encounters with Star Wars and Chuck E. Cheese).  I cannot imagine having had a newborn at the same time.

So now that everyone is sleeping well again and now that we have our video monitor that we bought with overnight shipping out of desperation one night, we are ready to add a new baby to our lives!


Katie said...

Hope everything goes well with the arrival of the next one! :) We are excited for you guys!

Jennifer said...

I am so excited! Today is the "day" but praying that you have patience and rest as this baby comes.