Monday, April 18, 2011


My husband and I have so much to learn in parenting.  We make a ton of mistakes daily.  We face a lot of challenges that we don't always know what to do with.  But one thing that I really love that we have taught Mr. Mister over the past couple years is that when we ask him to do something that he doesn't want to do or doesn't agree with, that he would say, "Okay, I trust you" and do it anyway.

We have used that phrase over and over.  More importantly, we have tried to teach him the concept of trust and the bigger picture behind the words in that sentence.  And finally, it is starting to pay off.  He is actually starting to say it without prompting.  Like when I told him we needed to eat lunch at the park before playing on the slide, he didn't whine or complain, he just turned around and said, "Okay, I trust you."  And we ate lunch.  I never thought that would actually happen.

When he says he trusts me, I feel a physical sense of relief and peace. And I know it is hard for him to trust.  It is hard for me to trust God when things don't go exactly how I would have planned.  But what a beautiful picture of knowing that our Father always has our best in mind.

The other day we were getting in the Jeep and he asked if he could climb over the back seat to get to his car seat.  We said no, that he needed to just climb in normally.  And he said, "Okay, I trust you.  I know you have my best."   What a sweet reward and blessing to hear those words!

Now onto the one million other things that we don't have figured out.


Jennifer said...

Love it! I need to write this down...

Elizabeth said...

wow. great job mama.. i love you parent with the Holy Spirit!

Nancy said...

When you have ALL the answers, be the first to write a book! Meanwhile, enjoy such moments as these and give yourselves a big pat on the back.
I love how the two of you work together as a team. You are awesome parents.