It's been an eventful week for Miss S. Her first two teeth have poked through her bottom gums and she had her first taste of solid food. Besides the excessive drool, I never would have known she was teething. No fevers, no fussiness...just her sweet smiles and coos as always!
For a few weeks now she has been very interested in what we are eating - watching us intently while we eat, grabbing at our plates when she's on our laps, etc. The doctor gave the okay to start at her four month check up but it has taken me a few weeks to actually get going.
I started with rice cereal because that's what they say to do but it can't taste that good. Did any of you start with something besides a bland white paste? I kind of want to dive right into apples and bananas.
Anyway, she was really cute and all excited to eat but then she didn't know what to do once it was in her mouth. So she just kept smiling and let it all fall out. It made us all laugh.
For a few weeks now she has been very interested in what we are eating - watching us intently while we eat, grabbing at our plates when she's on our laps, etc. The doctor gave the okay to start at her four month check up but it has taken me a few weeks to actually get going.
I started with rice cereal because that's what they say to do but it can't taste that good. Did any of you start with something besides a bland white paste? I kind of want to dive right into apples and bananas.
Anyway, she was really cute and all excited to eat but then she didn't know what to do once it was in her mouth. So she just kept smiling and let it all fall out. It made us all laugh.
Yay! I start with avocado thinned with breast milk. Wholesomebabyfoods said avocado was a great first food and cereal made Mary constipated so I went a different route with Noah:) it's still one of his favorite foods!
I cant believe she has teeth already! I feel like she was just born! We skipped rice cereal with Owen too. He hated it. We did what Megan did and just thinned out purées with breast milk.
She is so sweet! I can't get enough of her and her big smile.
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