Yesterday Miss S was 5 months!
How is that possible?

Dear Sweet Girl,
This picture is what happens when you have older brothers. They love you so much and you get the biggest smile when they look at you and play with you. They love to make you giggle with their silly sounds and faces.
You have had quite an eventful month - rolling over, getting teeth, eating some yummy food, and sitting up for a few seconds on your own! It is so fun to watch you learn and grow.
You are still the happiest, most peaceful baby I have ever seen. You flash your beautiful smile to anyone who will look at you. And I just love when I pick you up and you hold onto me and cuddle your face into my neck. I also love your slobbery kisses. You are so sweet.
And those rolls - I just can't get enough of them! I could squeeze and kiss you all day!
I often daydream about who you will become and how I will remember these cuddly baby days with such happiness. I daily whisper in your ear that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) so that the truth of who you are will be firmly planted in your heart and mind.
I could write pages of how I love you but I'll save some for the monthly updates to come!
How is that possible?

Dear Sweet Girl,
This picture is what happens when you have older brothers. They love you so much and you get the biggest smile when they look at you and play with you. They love to make you giggle with their silly sounds and faces.
You have had quite an eventful month - rolling over, getting teeth, eating some yummy food, and sitting up for a few seconds on your own! It is so fun to watch you learn and grow.
You are still the happiest, most peaceful baby I have ever seen. You flash your beautiful smile to anyone who will look at you. And I just love when I pick you up and you hold onto me and cuddle your face into my neck. I also love your slobbery kisses. You are so sweet.
And those rolls - I just can't get enough of them! I could squeeze and kiss you all day!
I often daydream about who you will become and how I will remember these cuddly baby days with such happiness. I daily whisper in your ear that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) so that the truth of who you are will be firmly planted in your heart and mind.
I could write pages of how I love you but I'll save some for the monthly updates to come!
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