We woke up Friday night to the sounds of croup-like cough and breathing coming from the pack-n-play next to me. I whisked our sweet Miss S out of bed and knew right away that her barking cough and labored breathing was croup. We had taken Mr. Mister to the ER for it when he was l8 months and I knew hers was bad enough that we didn't have time to waste with steaming up the bathroom or even calling the pediatrician. It was very scary and the beginning of a very long weekend.
Long story short, our journey included:
breathing treatments and x-rays at Children's urgent care
an ambulance ride to Children's Hospital ER downtown
more lung x-rays at the ER
being admitted for more monitoring
a scope down the nose
a more invasive lung scope in the OR under anesthesia
an IV to keep her hydrated while she couldn't eat
an overnight stay with constant heart and oxygen monitoring
She was a champion through it all.
She charmed the nurses with her smiles, coos, and chubby rolls.
Thankfully, the scope of the lung found no foreign object, just lots of inflammation from the croup. We were discharged Sunday morning, bringing our baby girl home with a yucky cough but at least breathing normally.
Until she woke up from her nap and started wheezing and breathing rapidly again. As I prepared our things to go back to the ER, Daddy talked to the pediatrician and tried one round of the hot shower mist.
Thankfully, it worked.
And she slept peacefully last night.
So thankful.
Her cough is still here. And I am sick too. So it's not very fun around here right now. But we are just thankful to have our girl with us.
We are also thankful for everyone who prayed for Miss S and for our family, for everyone who helped us with the boys while we were unexpectedly away from them for the weekend, and for everyone who offered to help with meals and the kids and anything else we needed. We are seriously blessed and loved by many people! Thank you.
The Lord was obviously present throughout the entire weekend. So many specific aspects of this experience revealed His sovereignty. I know that He is good and He is faithful no matter what the outcome would have been. But I am thankful that He chose to reveal His goodness through sustaining us, giving peace to my anxious heart, giving us sound minds, and of course, for sustaining our daughter and breathing life into her lungs. Thank you Jesus.
1 comment:
Poor Miss S! and poor mama and daddy too-how scary! So glad that things are calming down and that you have so many wonderful people helping to care for your family. God IS good.
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