Thursday, September 27, 2012

Best Buddies

These two have been best friends lately.

They have always loved each other a lot but lately I have seen their friendship move to a whole new level.  I don't know what caused the change.  Maybe Mr. Mister starting school again..a little absence to make the heart grow fonder.  Whatever it is, it makes this mama's heart happy.  I love watching them play so well together and really enjoy each other.  Sometimes I forget that there is almost 3 years between them.  You would never know it by watching them play.

The other day they were eating lunch and out of nowhere had this conversation:

Mr. Newton: Did you get a sticker on your homework, Mr. Mister?
Mr. Mister: Yep. I did!
Mr. Newton: Wow! Good job!

I loved it. So simple but such love and encouragement.

I pray often for their friendship - that they would really be lifelong best friends.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally Sold (for real)

A lot has happened since this post when I announced that we sold our house.  It has been the craziest, most bizarre, most unpredictable experience.  And just today, more than three months after we got a contract on our house, and more than a month after we moved out of the house, we closed on it!  I honestly thought it would be back on the market before this day came.  But it's over and we no longer own two houses two miles apart from each other.  I think we may have a party to celebrate!

Monday, September 17, 2012

What a Week!

Not only did our baby girl start crawling last week, but we had lots of other exciting things going on also.

First there was a visit from Grandma and Papa last weekend.

Then on Monday, Mr. Newton started wearing big boy underwear!  Yay! 
 He's done a great job!

On Friday night, we had a visit from a very special woman - our Mama Rosi from Mexico.  She is the National Director of the ministry we served with in Mexico.  We spent so much time together for the years we were there and she has been very influential in our lives.  It was such a gift to spend an evening with her.  We caught up on each other's lives, shared lots of Mexico memories, and got to encourage and pray for each other.  It was really special to have her spend time with our kids.  She is their abuelita mexicana!

And on Saturday, Mr. Mister got to go horseback riding with his aunt and uncle.  It was his birthday present from them.  He loved it (and had sore legs the rest of the day!).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

7 Months and Crawling

This pretty little lady is now 7 months.

She has perfected her clapping.

She is still very loved by her big brothers.

And to celebrate her 7 month birthday, she decided to start crawling, army style.
She is on the move! 

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Monday, September 3, 2012

6 months

 Our little lady is now closer to 7 months than 6, but here is her belated 6 month post.  

Dear Miss S,
You are the gem of our family.  Your brothers adore you and Mommy and Daddy treasure you.  We are thankful that you have become your name - rest and joy.  Everyone asks if you are always this happy and yes, you are.  

You are now sitting up and rolling to get wherever you want to go. 
Crawling is not far off, but please take your time.  
I like that you can't go very far very quickly yet.

You have been enjoying lots of different foods and recently started grunting loudly when you want more.  We started working on the sign for more so that you can ask a little more quietly!

One of your friends just taught you how to clap your hands, which you do with a big smile because you get lots of excited smiles in return.

We love your gentle eyes, sweet smile, and belly laugh. 
We are so thankful for you and the beautiful blessing that you are!