Thursday, September 27, 2012

Best Buddies

These two have been best friends lately.

They have always loved each other a lot but lately I have seen their friendship move to a whole new level.  I don't know what caused the change.  Maybe Mr. Mister starting school again..a little absence to make the heart grow fonder.  Whatever it is, it makes this mama's heart happy.  I love watching them play so well together and really enjoy each other.  Sometimes I forget that there is almost 3 years between them.  You would never know it by watching them play.

The other day they were eating lunch and out of nowhere had this conversation:

Mr. Newton: Did you get a sticker on your homework, Mr. Mister?
Mr. Mister: Yep. I did!
Mr. Newton: Wow! Good job!

I loved it. So simple but such love and encouragement.

I pray often for their friendship - that they would really be lifelong best friends.
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