Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brotherly Love

We had a family gathering recently and decided to take 
a picture of all of the kids together.

Yes, they are all cute kids, 
but focus for a minute on Mr. Mister and Mr. Newton in the center.

The progression is priceless.

Poor Mr. Newton...
his mommy waited too long to rescue him from his big brother's grip.

I'm not really sure what to say about this. I really think it started with an innocent desire to put his arm around his brother.  But if you know Mr. Mister, you know that it's not easy to resist a hard squeeze, even with good intentions.  But I'm sure we will laugh at this someday when they are best friends or when Mr. Newton is bigger than his brother and returns the favor.

In the meantime, we will continue teaching him that he is only allowed to put the wrestling moves on Daddy.  
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Stinky Pete said...

Mister Mister is just so agressive in everything he does. Some day, his passion will be honed and developed and he'll be force to reckon with :) It's fun to look at how the other kids lean away from him as his grip on Mr. Newton gets tighter and tighter. So cute!

Steph said...

what a way to start my morning! haha! I literally LOL'd :)

Unknown said...

i just picked up "Raising Your Spirited Child." SUCH a great, helpful book. You should check it out.

These pictures are fantastic!

Nancy said...

Note the look that "B" is giving Mister Mister in the last picture! She really isn't too sure that she wants to be next to him. "Am I next?" She is asking herself!