Dear Mr. Newton...

At ten months, you are a curious little boy who is so content to crawl around and explore. You especially like climbing the steps (with me behind you, of course) and banging on your brother's drum. You dance at the sound of any sort of music and still light up the room with your big smile. And you have such a fun laugh, especially when you see a dog or play with a balloon. You flap your arms and kick your legs and laugh your deep belly laugh.
At ten months, you are a curious little boy who is so content to crawl around and explore. You especially like climbing the steps (with me behind you, of course) and banging on your brother's drum. You dance at the sound of any sort of music and still light up the room with your big smile. And you have such a fun laugh, especially when you see a dog or play with a balloon. You flap your arms and kick your legs and laugh your deep belly laugh.
You are getting your top two teeth and you probably need your first haircut soon. I love how your hair sticks out in all different directions when you wake up or take your hat off or rub some avocado into it.
You are quite the eater! I think you are giving me a glimpse of life with teenage boys down the road. You like pretty much everything and you give me a nice loud reminder if I don't get your food fast enough. We are working on signs for more, please, and all done. Today you proudly showed off your all done sign, not to be confused with a wave...
We love you so much. I can't believe we are nearing your first birthday. You are the sweetest boy and you make everyone around you happy!
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