Saturday, April 3, 2010


We got back today from a wonderful vacation to the beach, which is why I haven't blogged over the past week. We were enjoying the sun and sand and (cold) ocean and it was all a much needed break from life. No computer, our phones off for most of the week, and days to just play and rest and be together.

It came at great timing because the two weeks prior to our trip were very long and hard ones for Daddy at work. Which made for some long and hard days at home with Mr. Mister for me. So, the escape was welcomed and refreshing. And it was even more fun because we went with Aunt K and Uncle N also.

There are many fun pictures and videos to come. All I can say is that Mr. Mister definitely has beach blood in him. The 58 degree water didn't phase him at all. He played hard, slept hard and was so much fun to be with. And we had very few tantrums. Maybe we should just move to the beach........

1 comment:

hawleykj said...

I think you are on to something there :) We'll move down with you!